Friday Finds #1

Because I simply cannot help myself, I've come up with yet another recurring feature to share with y'all: Friday Finds!

Basically, I want to show you some of the things I've bought, uncovered, and/or discovered. That leaves it open as to whether I found it in a thrift store, on the property, or pretty much anywhere. I've already got several ideas lined up for this feature. I'm going to start by showing you what I found (and kept) on our recent shed purge.

With the new house came several out-buildings. One of them is a raised, prefab shed that Pat want to use as his workshop.

The previous owner left a TON of stuff in it though. As such, we had to go through all of it and decide what was trash, to be donated, or kept. It was almost fun, though kinda gross. Here's a few shots of what we had to sort through.

Once all the sorting was done, here's what I ended up personally keeping:
Some mussed up paintbrushes and a roll of copper wire (score!); 

random small bits: little wrenches, copper pipe, paintbrushes, tiny pencil, tiny hand drill, and an old-fashioned syringe (I don't even know); 

really cool hardware pieces - but only the ones with a nice patina on them;

and a set of silver spoons and a brass metal of some sort.

In addition to what's pictured, there was a large box of whole sheets of foam core, the plastic organizer that stored the hardware, and a brass-framed mirror.

The shed contained all kinds of other treasures - old lamps and a chandelier, filing cabinets, tool chests, nuts and bolts, and a plethora of other items. However, we just can't keep it all. So, it's loaded up to be donated for someone else to treasure.

Now, I just need to use these items and not hoard them away in the craft room. Ha! Treasure hunting on our own property is so fun (and economical!). What treasures have you found lately?


  1. well how cool is this? you didn't even have to go to the flea market ... it came to you!

  2. Wow! They left behind some cool stuff! Love to see you having fun in your new place...seems like you discover something new everyday!

    1. Judy, Yes she did. She really had a ton of stuff everywhere. The house, shed, barn, and garage were all packed with stuff before she moved out. And, she left items in all of those places. I think it was just too much for her. I feel like I discover new items everyday too. And, I hope that trend continues - it's so much fun! Thanks for popping in!


Thanks for stopping by! It means so very much to me. I love to hear what you have to say.

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