Our New Home | the beginning

The time has come! We're almost settled in our new home. Before I share some of the changes we've made to it and its current state, I thought I should give y'all a peek at what our house looked like the day we got the keys. I made a little video tour (if you can handle my walking and talking while video taping), but also have some pictures below to share of our new oasis.

This is the sunroom and the main entrance we use into the house from the back door.
From there, you can walk straight back into the master bedroom. It's HUGE!
The previous owner had the room decorated in a Tuscan-theme, Check out the wine bottle applique that was on the wall! Those two rooms are the master bath (left) and closet (right).
The applique came off easily, but the little shelf was made of plaster and raised off the wall. (not as easy to remove)
Here's the master bath. It needs some serious updating, but we can live with it for now.
Oh, both the sunroom and the master bedroom are additions to the house, so they both have brick walls along one side. Interesting, right?
From the bedroom, you can walk right into the craft room.
There's even a cute little half bath in the craft room (the main reason I chose that room.)
Across the hall from the craft room is Pat's office. It's got better light (with two windows) but no bathroom.
Here's the guest bathroom. It's tiny and that wall technique HAS TO GO, but it's workable!
The guest room is pretty small too. The duck border is awful. But, it's a project for another time.
There's a large front room, what I'm guessing is supposed to be a formal living room. However, we're going to turn it into a dining room eventually.
This is my kitchen as you walk in from either the hallway or the sunroom. 
And, here it is from the living room. (Double ovens!!)
We've got a large living room with split brick floors.
The huge, custom-built cabinet was in there too. EEK!
So, that's a bit of a tour of the inside for you. However, if you want to see a bit more, check out my video tour.

I still plan on doing a video and picture tour of the pool area and some of the property soon, especially now that the grass has been cut. We've already made so many changes in the two weeks we've been here that I'm glad I took these before pictures to remember where we started.

I hope you enjoyed this little peek and hope you hang onto your hats as I begin this new adventure. You are coming along for the ride aren't you?


  1. Very cool seeing the 'before' ~ now looking forward to all the 'afters' :-D Loved all the turquoise-y blues that you are using to repaint!

    1. Tammie, Yeah. Since we've been without internet for two weeks now. The before is all I've got really. I need to get out and get a video of the pool and property and then finish unpacking so I can get the inside as it is now. Yes, the blues look fab. I'm really happy with how it's coming along. Of course, since hubby's had to start working again (he was on vacay for the move), things are moving slowly. Ah well, we have the rest of our lives to get the house in the condition we want! ;)

  2. Wow, what a nice slice of heaven you found.....congratulations

    1. Chris, We were very fortunate! We were initially only looking for property to eventually build on. When we couldn't find any property that suited what we were looking for, we switched to property w/houses. This one struck us. We actually fell in love with the property and pool before we even saw the house. It almost didn't matter what the house looked like. There have definitely been a few unpleasant surprises (the pack of 14 feral cats for instance) but we're dealing with it the best we can. I'll have to have y'all out sometime! :)

  3. Hope ~ this is a beautiful house!!! So livable already but a great place to improve upon and enjoy! It looks bright and spacious. Best of Times to you and Pat in your new place!

  4. What an amazing home! Have fun putting it all together.

  5. Looks like you've found a great place! I looks so peaceful...and then I saw your comment about the feral cats. What a problem that can be. Can't wait to follow along with you and see what you do with it to make it truly your home.

    1. Judy, Yes, we're loving the new digs. It is peaceful indeed. The cats are an issue, but we're dealing with it. Right now, we've got some of the house blocked off so our cats aren't near the feral ones. We can't wait to get the flow back soon! I'm hoping to share what we've done soon. Stay tuned! :)

  6. Neat house and the property is great! Oh I just love the sunroom! Okay,regarding the EEK! custom built cabinet. Wouldn't that be something you could use in your craft room?

    1. Lorraine, Thanks! As for the cabinet, it's WAY too large for the craft room. However, Pat's deconstructed most of it and we're planning on updating the center bottom portion to serve as a TV stand. The rest of it is in a pile in the barn! ;)

  7. Beautiful property, great possibilities! A craft room with a bathroom - aren't you lucky :)

  8. Congrats Hope! You are going to have a blast fixing it up!! I love the setting and all it's character, it's absolutely charming, and the property is beautiful!

    1. Jenna, So far it's been a lot of work but fun too, to re-imagine the place. There's still a ton more to do. Right now I'm trying to focus on unpacking and getting back into the flow of everyday life. Thank you for your sweet words. We're pleased as punch with out diamond in the rough.

  9. Wow I can't wait to see what you do with this house.

  10. Congratulations on your new digs. It looks like a wonderful place.

    1. Becky, Thank you! I'm enjoying it, but the whole process just seems to go on and on forever. I can't seem to find a stopping point.I'm hoping to be somewhat back on track by the end of this long weekend. Ha! I guess I better get down to work!

  11. This looks like fun -- and a whole lotta work!!! You will have fun, though, and the setting is great. Hope you got rid of all those cats!

    1. Ellen, Yes. . .fun indeed. But, also exhausting. I don't even remember mentioning the cats, but the majority of the 14 cats are gone. It's going to be a process to get the organization we're working with to find them placement. I want to be humane about it, but they're so sick and need some attention too. Now to get back to unpacking!! Thanks for popping in!

  12. Congratulations on the new house! It will be fun to see all that you do to make it your own!

    1. Thank you Amy! So far, our changes have been small things - but I'll be sharing those soon. After I get through some of the mountain of boxes! Thanks for checking it all out! :)

  13. Can't wait to see your personal stamp on your new home. So roomy.


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