
Last week I mentioned some jewelry I made for a spot gallery. The date and place has been set! If you are in the area, come out to "Eat, Drink, and Love Art" at Whole Hog BBQ this Saturday (4/11) at 6pm.

I'm on vacation this week, and the internet's been spotty so I haven't been able to share as freely as I've wanted. Let me start by showing you this thrifty finds video of some of the items I've scored in the past month or so.

Lastly, here's a few photos from our vacation so far.

The full moon over the water on our first night
The sunrise our first morning
After a fairly cold first day, the nieces finally got to get in the water

A pontoon boat ride in a nearby creek
A foggy scene on the bay this morning.
 The fog has already cleared and we're looking forward to more good weather. I best get out of here while the internet is still cooperating! Here's hoping you have a wonderful week and your Spring Break 2015 is treating you well.


  1. Great post! I love the silk look napkins, and you made my just die laughing every time you spoke of those "ancient" dress making patterns...I wore garments made from those patterns in the late 60s and 70s, and I was a teenager, so, Hope, does that make my more ancient than ancient? Just messing with you, but you did give me a good laugh this morning! Looks like you found some GREAT things. Can't wait to see what you do with them.

    1. Judy, Did I say "ancient"!? I think I meant the other two that look like they're from the 30s. Not the other ones. Sorry about that! I was hoping that now that I'm back from vacation things would calm down and I would get to play, but this week is already starting off with a bang. Thanks so much for checking out the video!!

  2. Oh I wish I could have gone to the Whole Hog Cafe Art Show! Darn! Your photo of the sailboat in the fog is gorgeous~

    1. Jenna, The Art Party was interesting. The BBQ place is just a hole in the wall and a bunch of art lovers showed up at 6. At 7 there was music and the majority of the people were then there for the music. It got packed out! It was a great first experience for me. Oh, and the boat in the fog. . yeah. It was such a creepy but calm morning. Within an hour or so it burned right off. Thanks for popping in! :)


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