Sunsets and Spring Break 2014

I have no doubt that you probably haven't noticed my absence but I felt the need to check in real quick. Last week, we spent Spring Break with some friends and this week our nieces are staying with us for their Spring Break. Two weeks of spring break for me!

We've had busy, full days so most of what I've captured so far have been stunning over-the-water sunsets.

See what I mean?
Of course, while the sunsets have been awe-inspiring, spending time with these two beautiful and fun girls has been the best.

Happy Spring Break 2014

I'll be back next week.


  1. How fun to spend Spring Break with family. And your photos are fantastic!

  2. I hope that you had a wonderful spring break! I am envious of your beautiful weather.

  3. Great photos! Enjoy your spring break!

  4. Sunsets are one of my favorite things. Your beach sunsets are glorious and your nieces are darling. Glad you have had a special week.

  5. I love the renewal this time of year :) Beautiful photos, Hope!


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