Friday Finds #13: Robertsdale Antique Show

It's been far too long since I did my last Friday Finds post. To make up for it, I hope this is a good one!

Last weekend I shared this image on Instagram.
Before I even posted it on Saturday, I knew I wanted to head back to the Antique Show in Robertsdale where I found the flat keys. Alas, Pat and I had visited the show with very little cash on us.

Sunday morning I made sure to hit the ATM before heading back to the fairgrounds where I got more of those keys.
My initial thought was to stamp the keys with words. However, someone mentioned enameling them, so I knew I needed more. Now I just need to find a beginner's enameling kit. Any suggestions?

In addition to the keys, here's what else I picked up.
The vendor had tons of those Asprin tins, but I just grabbed the one. I've been on the lookout for small tins, and the tiny round one totally caught my attention.

There was a whole box of religious medals and other charms. I picked through it a bit before deciding on these three. I didn't want to go crazy!

There was quite a selection of these brass stampings in the booth. I actually got there before the vendor that morning and had some time to pick through them before narrowing it down to these four. I've got some ideas for them, now to just put them into action.

The last item I picked up before leaving the show was this.
It's half of a spool of some sort (at least that's how it was marked)

The seller had a few of them. What sold me on this particular one was the "bottom" of it.
Chippy paint gets me all the time. And, look at those colors!

As for what I'm going to do with it. . .well, inspiration struck when the vendor had it displayed like this.
Do you see it? It's likely going to end up as a bracelet display in my booth. While it would totally work as a display in this vertical position, I'd like to turn it on its side so that the chippy paint can be seen. I've just got to figure that out first.

I stopped myself with that last purchase. And, the vendor gave me his card, mentioning that he would be back for another show in June. So, I just have to make sure I use up these bits before I go buying more in June!

That's it for now. You found anything good lately?


  1. Replies
    1. Kathy, I thought so too. Now, to not just hoard them. . .That's the hardest part! Thanks for taking a peek!

  2. Wish Chris and I had known about that place. We probably would have bought a lot of stampings and religious medals. Wow! What are you going to do with the small tins?

  3. Lorraine,
    I'm sorry I didn't think to let y'all know. It was one of those things where I saw a few signs and talked Pat into taking me. Apparently, they do a larger version of it in the summer (I think it's a pay admittance thing then though), and he said he'd be back then. He also gave me his card with just an address and phone number, but he said I could contact him and he would be coming back through here (just passing through) in December. Message me and I'll share it with you!
    As for the small tins... I have visions of turning them into pendants for jewelry of course! ;)
    Thanks for coming by for a look! :)

  4. Love the keys Hope! Can't wait to see what you create with them!

  5. I've said that before - I love reading about your vintage finds as we don't have any similar places to go to in Bulgaria, just antique shops but they are very expensive.

  6. Love all your finds! As far as a beginner enameling kit goes, Painting With Fire used to sell (probably still does) a starter kit. But you will not be satisfied with a starter kit, after you begin. The kit comes with a neutral opaque base, and 2 or 3 colors. After enameling a dozen or two things, you will thirst for more colors!! I am now up over 60 colors (it's an expensive addiction). Maybe Vintaj patinas would be awesome on the keys - and a lot less money!
    The spool thing looks like a bracelet display I got at Store Supply Warehouse! But mine doesn't have fab chippy paint like yours.
    Have fun with all your finds!!


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