On and Off the Craft Table

Is it just me or is it the nature of a Monday to progress out of our control? And, now I'm thinking Tuesdays have a similar ability as it is now Wednesday and I can't figure out where all my time has gone. In any case, it's past time for a blog post and I thought that today I'd show you some of the items that have recently come off my desk and what's currently on it. Let me start with the completed bits.

As I was organizing the bead cabinet last week, I pulled aside any beads that were just down to pairs and bagged those up for earrings. While watching college football over the weekend, I turned those pairs into some earrings.

This bracelet and necklace (not a set) were also pulled together recently. The pendant on the necklace was one of the resin pieces from last week.

I worked on some decoupaged pendants from Tim Holtz tags and book images. One quickly turned into a necklace.

I still have to finish the backs on the other two.

So that's one of the things to do on my desk, another is to finish working on this. . .concoction. 
That's some kind of hardware piece that I found (somewhere) that I'm working on altering. It started as just the hoop portion with the outer prongs.

Where my arrows are (above) I filled in the prongs with some jewelry clay, inserted head pins into them, and sprinkled with some matching Pearl X Powder. It's now cured so I can start deciding what to do with the rest of it. I'm totally thinking more resin-ating inside the circle as well as the outer ring. I'm kinda excited about it.

Last, I really need to sort through my recently made jewelry and get some pictures of it. This is my 'bucket' of new jewelry that hasn't been photographed for the shop yet. Yeah, I'm real organized with my PILE of jewelry.
I don't know how I let myself get so far behind on these things. Taking pictures of these is going to be an ALL DAY process. Sigh!

So that's what's been going on in my corner of the crafty world. What about in yours?


  1. These items are fantastic! I am particularly fond of all the earrings :-) My jewelry is kind of like yours...in mounds waiting for their close up! This is why my etsy has been stagnant for. ever. Overwhelmed! Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday ~it is worth the wait to see what you are up to :-)

  2. If only we had a studio elf who could photograph and catalogue while we blissfully create jewelry, Hope :)

  3. ha! that looks exactly like what I do ... bucket-o-jewelry to photograph if I can get decent sunlight, and the time!

    1. Cynthia- I'm glad I'm not the only one who piles their jewelry up for later. I usually take my shots in my photo tent. While it's an easy set-up, doing it several times a week is not appealing at all. Alas, I need to get to it before this bucket overflows! ;)

  4. I can tell you where time has gone---you were making lots of jewelry!! Everything looks so nice and I can't wait to see what happens with that amazing found object. As for taking photos of jewelry, it's my least favorite thing as far as my business. And pricing is a close second.

  5. Oh, I totally can relate! I can be so lazy when it comes to photo shooting. I have a pile of earrings and bracelets just waiting that I set up my light tent, but every time I find more creative escuses not to. Not to talk about writing a description of the piece!
    If you find a solution or a trick that works, please let me know!!!


    1. Ambra- What is it about setting up the light tent that makes this process so. . .intimidating? I just hate dragging the thing out. One day I'm going to have a creative space that has it's own little photo corner with everything all set up and ready to do. Maybe that's the trick. Of course, then there'd be some other excuse I'm sure.


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