Focusing on Life Week 27

Do you have any idea how hard it is to get a picture of the BACK of a cat's head when all she wants to do is look at you?

Of course, it's difficult to get a cat to do what you want them to in any other circumstance as well. If I had wanted her to look at me, I wouldn't have been able to make that happen. That's a cat for ya.
This week, Sally of The Studio Sublime challenged us with capturing a photo of "Texture" or how things feel.
The instant I read her prompt description all I could think of was the soft mats of fur right behind and almost below Asia's (that's the cat in the photo) ears.

They're baby fine and rabbit soft. It's one of my favorite places to scratch her. And, fortunately, she doesn't mind me doing that at all (most of the time.)

Check out more Textures over at Sally's blog, The Studio Sublime.

Oh! And don't forget to head over to the ZnetShows Blog for the Partner Picks Summer Challenge blog hop and information on the GIVEAWAY!!


  1. I love your first shot what a beautiful cat, and the shot behind the ears makes me want to tickle her too!

    1. Niky, Thank you. . .she's so prissy I think she knows she beautiful. She has a bit of an ego to say the least. But the texture of her fur means that I can't keep my hands off her. Ha! I appreciate you stopping in! Thanks.

  2. what a beautiful kitty! from the mini link photo I thought it was a rabbit... her fur looks sooooo soft and such gorgeous hues!
    have a blessed week :)

  3. Goodness, she's a beautiful cat - what amazing eyes she has. I just want to put my hand out and stroke her - that photo of her fur looks so soft and gorgous!

  4. Lovely cat... If I ever make the mistake of trying to photograph jewellery on the floor there's usually some part of a cat in it.... and the minute I point the camera at the cat their's a nose on the lense.. My 3 cats all have completly different fur!

  5. Ooooo, that is soft looking. Right now though, the last thing I want to touch is fur -- too darn hot!

  6. She looks so soft! And beautiful too!

    1. Annette,
      She is both of those things. . .along with being a big ol' BRAT! She's an absolute spoiled brat and I know it's my fault (because she's so pretty), but she has her sweet moments too. ;) Thanks for popping in!

  7. Yes!! I have two kitties and the boy is exactly the same, ridiculously soft in exactly that same spot. I can't help but tell him " you're sooooo soft" when I scratch there too. Your cat sure is a cutie

  8. Lol!! What a beauty she is....I love the soft fur of my babies!

  9. Gorgeous, it's always the way isn't it, I can never get my dog to look at me when I want a pic, I have many images of the back of her head ha ha!!

  10. What a gorgeous girl! This makes me miss having kitties!

  11. Replies
    1. Mary, Thank you! She primps like she knows that too. I appreciate you taking the time to stop in!

  12. Awesome shots Hope! She's such a beautiful cat - her eyes are amazing! So's that little tuft of fur behind her ears which you did great at capturing! Lovely texture photos for sure!

    1. Shel, Thanks so much! I do love her eyes too. They're such an exquisite shade of blue. Thank you for your kind words :)

  13. Awww, I just want to reach up and pet her.

    1. Patty, I know, right!? Thank you for stopping in!


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